All posts by Don Gerstmar

Mercer Island Beach Club.

We have been surfacing the beach club for over 25 years – in that time we have reconstructed all the courts.  Now we just finished the resurfacing with the US Open colors.  It looks great –  and it is such a lovely setting to play tennis – not to mention how great the rest of the club looks.  Stop by – you might just want to be apart of a great group of people.

San Juans

Looks great up in the San Juan’s today – Mid Pac has been surfacing courts on the islands for as long as we have been in business.  This includes the island that are not accessed by the Washington State Ferries.

Low bid

Mid Pac has been in business for 42 years.  We use the finest products, most experienced crews, and we believe provide the best customer serve.  Aside from that, when you receive other bids – be sure to check  the number of color applications are the same.  Base coats will not translate in to a long wearing surface.  The annual cleaning necessary in the Northwest and Hawaii takes it toll.  Buy the best products, be sure to get a full color system.